Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Today's required reading as of 0915hr 2 December 2008

Mornin' partners. Time to set back with a fresh cup o' coffee from that pot over the campfire an' check out what this here super pony express machine's deliverin' to yer signal screen in front of you now.

It's a scary world out there an' it 'pears we need a few good men runnin' our gov'ment, cuz what we got there right now jus' ain't gittin' the job done. They jus' ain't listenin' to what we have to say. At least most of 'um anyway.

Read on partner. Sorry fer those o' you who ain't passed crayon an' colorin' books yet.

Rightwing Cowboy

Border Patrol arrests 14 Chinese migrants in S. Arizona

County Attorney Thomas reaffirms bold agenda

Mexico says Army will leave drug fight

Arpaio cracks down on illegal immigrants suspected of DUI

Al-Qaeda second banana: Muslim governments are protecting the interests of Crusaders and Jews, preventing Muslims from joining jihad

Welcome to the Police State: 20,000 uniformed troops inside U.S. by 2011

Mumbai in the U.S.? Fort Dix suspects were training for "jihad"

(Rightwing Cowboy: This is coming to “federal lands” near you)

That déjà vu feeling

Obama Nominees Signal Radical Pro-U.N.

Obama to Elevate UN Ambassador to Cabinet Rank

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Obama Labor Import Cabinet Members

Well, wouldn't you know it, Obama is appointing two yahoos from Arizona to his cabinet. I should be more polite shouldn't I? Nah.

We're gittin' Nappy Napolitano, the illustrious Reno/Clinton clone and Arizona's Governor as Secretary of Homeland Security. Here is a blow-hard woman that tried to step on the peoples' will and not enforce state immigration laws. She and her lap-dog attorney general went all the way around the bush to not sign onto our bill, that passed overwhelmingly by the people of Arizona a couple of years back.

To top it off, Raul Grijalva is going to be our Secretary of the Interior. In case you don't know who he is, let me enlighten you. Go to this link: http://members.tripod.com/~mexican-invasion/NEWS/GrijalvaCockroach021219.html and http://www.americanpatrol.com/REFERENCE/Grijalva-Raul.html and while you're at it check out this: http://www.americanpatrol.com/MECHA/MEChAindex.html:

With these two in the cabinet I hear people say they will bring much to the state of Arizona. Yes, I'm sure they will. They'll bring open borders to the Arizona economy right along with the rest of the United States. That means, not only will there be more illegals, but drug smugglers and their drugs, killings, kidnappings, and more.

We have given President Bush and his side-kick Johnny Sutton a hard time because of the prosecution and conviction by nafarious means, of Border Patrol officers. Mark my words, it's going to get worse.

An Unresponsive Government

Well, gee, will ya look at this: Pentagon to Detail Troops to Bolster Domestic Security http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/30/AR2008113002217_pf.html

Are they takin' the illegal alien invasion seriously? Why do I get the feeling that that ain't the case here.

Is this what the fraudulent president-elect Obama meant when he was talkin' 'bout a National Civilian Security Force? And it looks like our illustrious present "texan" president and his secdef conspiritor have lined up for the Kenyan. Ya see, I have a method to my madness here.

Since September 11, 2001, our borders have been unsecured. Because of this failure to do their jobs the 537 so-called leaders we have sent to Washington, DC, approximately 63,000 people have lost their lives to illegal aliens. There are also over 20,000 children who have been molested in one way or another by illegal aliens. These are wonderful family values they have brought to our shores.

These feeble minded liars who have been elected to their Washington, DC positions, along with their cronies like La Raza, MALDEF and the rest of the cockroaches have been dragging their feet, fighting the will of the people. Most of these people are of the same mind and our up and coming illegal alien president, that we are citizens of the world. To that I say Bull %$@&.

We are at war, from what our president has taken the time to tell us as he stood on that pile of rubble in NYC and as he said on the night of 9/11. Well, duh, Mr. President. Why don't you act like it and do something about our borders. How many more illegals have to cross our borders before another catastrophe befalls your electorate? How many more citizens have to die before you will do anything about those people bringing their family values to our shores.

And speaking of family values, shariah law does not promote family values. Shariah law flies in the face of our constitution were everyone is equal, regardless of age, race, or creed. And it is these people who believe in shariah law who are crossing our borders illegally as well. I have seen them with my own eyes.

The American citizen has a breaking point which is drawing close. Our taxes are being used to bailout incompetance. Our courts are being used to the detriment of the will of the American citizen. Our schools are being inundated and bankrupted by illegal aliens as are our hospitals. And our livelihoods are being stolen along with our identities by these same illegals.

Is it expected that the American citizen is going to stand still for much more of this? Is a 20,000 security force going to stop the American citizen when he gets his dander up? I doubt it, because I know more than a couple who have the will and resources that this security force will have to go up against and they will take not prisoners. There will be no rules of engagement because these Amreican citizens have seen how that worked in Vietnam, and the Middle East.

No, don't push the American citizen too far he knows too much and loves his liberty even more.