Monday, December 1, 2008

The Obama Labor Import Cabinet Members

Well, wouldn't you know it, Obama is appointing two yahoos from Arizona to his cabinet. I should be more polite shouldn't I? Nah.

We're gittin' Nappy Napolitano, the illustrious Reno/Clinton clone and Arizona's Governor as Secretary of Homeland Security. Here is a blow-hard woman that tried to step on the peoples' will and not enforce state immigration laws. She and her lap-dog attorney general went all the way around the bush to not sign onto our bill, that passed overwhelmingly by the people of Arizona a couple of years back.

To top it off, Raul Grijalva is going to be our Secretary of the Interior. In case you don't know who he is, let me enlighten you. Go to this link: and and while you're at it check out this:

With these two in the cabinet I hear people say they will bring much to the state of Arizona. Yes, I'm sure they will. They'll bring open borders to the Arizona economy right along with the rest of the United States. That means, not only will there be more illegals, but drug smugglers and their drugs, killings, kidnappings, and more.

We have given President Bush and his side-kick Johnny Sutton a hard time because of the prosecution and conviction by nafarious means, of Border Patrol officers. Mark my words, it's going to get worse.

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